
How would you
like to establish
A powerful
presence in your

introducing “a powerful lawyer marketing strategy”
online and radio

it’s unique

it turns readers and listeners into your clients……
even “before” they need a lawyer!

“We were new-kids-on the block when we first started sponsoring
You! be the Judge. In four years we overtook the top law firm in the city.  
And You! be the Judge played an important part in that sweep.”  Sliman and Stander 4 year sponsor

 Based on actual court cases from around the world
A Powerful Lawyer Marketing Vehicle
An 18-year Success Story



Can a Mother Bug her Daughter?

“Marsha dashed up the staircase
to look for her sunglasses
and stopped dead in her tracks….”

The conflict

How far can parents go when
they feel their child is keeping secrets?

You! be the Judge

After the judge’s decision 
Invite readers to be the mediator.

“How did they get into such a mess?
“how could they have negotiated
a “win-win” solution
and avoid going to court?

“Post your solution and join the discussion”


Why is it that when readers of You! be the Judge
need a lawyer, the sponsor’s name comes to mind?

Secret to 18-year Success

Can You! be the Judge do a powerful marketing job for your firm?
In print?  On your website? Social Media?  E-Newsletter?
Is You! be the Judge podcast/radio of interest?


click below for background info and marketing options:
Secret to 18-year Success

written by elissa bernstein
creator claire bernstein
illustrator  joanna hegemann
voice al gravelle

Claire Bernstein,
You! be the Judge